Deluxe Cedar Garden Potting Bench *Free Shipping*
Product ID: ROP421 Category: Outdoor Deck
Description: Deluxe Cedar Garden Potting Bench. Features a tilt-out soil box for easy access and sturdy shelves to hold gardening supplies and tools. Rugged and built to last, this bench represents a fabulous value.
Cedar Potting Bench: 24"D x 42"W x 50"H; 1 pkgs. 50lbs. |
(Can be stained and/or sealed.)
Deluxe cedar garden potting bench is made of light weight, sturdy red cedar. Some easy assembly required. Natural-unfinished. Ships UPS. Allow 5-15 business days for delivery. Comes with one year manufacturer's warranty against defects and workmanship. SAVE! Free Shipping!! Continental USA. Order now!